Goodtask ios 13
Goodtask ios 13

Overall, I’m trying not to go overboard with these, but I do enjoy the ability to quickly segment my tasks based on specific criteria. This helps me to see all date based actions in a center column.

  • 4th Row: Open URL | -1/+1 Hour | Location: Work OfficeĪs you can see, I follow a pattern of general action, 2 date based actions, then another general action.
  • 3rd Row: Alert | -1/+1 Week | Location: Home.
  • 2nd Row: Priority | -1/+1 Day | Duplicate.
  • Also, if you are on macOS, and you do not have "Integrate Panels" checked, you can resize the Quick Action popover and it will retain those dimensions. On my Xr, I see 4x rows, but apparently on a X, you get 3x rows. NOTE: The iPhone you have can adjust how much of the Quick Action grid you see. I find this matches iOS and helps my brain process where an action is at a quicker pace.
  • I keep actions organized in a 4x grid on macOS.
  • +1-7d | +1-2w - Allows quick setting of dates from today.
  • _before bed _- Set to 8pm, so that I can make sure to do it before I try to get to sleep.
  • /List - Allows quickly associating a task to a list during quick entry.
  • A few of my favorite text snippets that I use:.
  • I find the small size small enough to keep the majority of the app’s lists compact, but also still readable while I’m working.
  • I prefer to get notifications on iOS only, so I have this turned off on macOS.
  • Un-check any Lists & Calendars you don’t want to be visible in the app.
  • The main area is when selecting a list in the dropdown menus of a new task, or the Detail view of an existing task.

    #Goodtask ios 13 update#

  • Use this to update the order that the lists are shown in various places in the app.
  • I’m not using anything earth shattering in my settings. So I wanted to detail how I'm using this app on a day-to-day basis as it might help some of you as you try to use it as well. there are still some things that suffer because of Reminders limitations but overall I've found a lot to like. tl dr It does and it's been a fun experiment.ĭon't get me wrong.

    goodtask ios 13

    You can also set tags per list inside ‘Edit List – Tags’ page.When GoodTask v4.4 was released for both macOS and iOS I wanted to revisit this app and see if I could make it work for me on a daily basis. Automatic option will fetch tags from ‘Smart List Filters’ and ‘Quick Actions’. Inside ‘Edit: Tags’ page, you can select ‘Automatic’ or manually add tags you want to use.

    goodtask ios 13

    You can select between ‘All/ #/ When the tags are fetched automatically, it’ll fetch them according to this settings. You can choose which type of tags you’ll use by changing option ‘Tag: Type’. Tags that show on ‘Prompt: Tags’ and sort options can be set inside settings. Add will simply add the tag you selected. Switch will remove previous tag if it exists. ‘Prompt: Tags’ have 2 types which are Switch and Add. You can type in ‘#tag1 #tag2’ in ‘Tag’ type to put in multiple tags at once if needed. ‘Switch’ type lets you switch between multiple tags including an empty tag.

    goodtask ios 13 goodtask ios 13

    ‘Tag’ type lets you add/remove tag at one touch. Additionally you can use ‘Prompt: Tags’ to select from preset tags. Inside ‘Settings > Quick Actions’, you can use ‘Tag’ type and ‘Switch’ type to manage tags. First set your preferred option on ‘Settings > General > Tag on’ to choose where your tags should be at. To add/remove tags easily on tasks, you can use Quick Actions. It’s flexible and powerful Tags on Quick Actions Or you can show tasks that include both #work and #today. For example, you can make a list that shows tasks with #later tag and hide tasks with #hide tag. Select ‘Include’ and type in whatever tag you’d like below (i.e #tag, can use multiple filters to include or exclude multiple tags on Smart List for powerful use. While adding a new Smart List, add a ‘Filter’ with type ‘Text’. The key is on Smart Lists and Quick Actions. On GoodTask, you can use tags with any symbol and any text.

    Goodtask ios 13